Tag Archives: journalism of hate

The World Interpreted through Alice in Wonderland


Consulting the Oracle


First Meeting

Many Don’t Arrive


A Meeting is Held

Alice is voted unanimously as Ambassador


Waiting to meet the Red Queen

(With trepidation )


A productive discussion did not seem in the cards


And, in fact, became quite hostile.


Things on the home front were not much better.


With a heavy heart, Alice helped prepare her friends for battle with what little she could find.


Alice listened to the Mock Turtle’s prophecies of the outcome of the war.

    4E9FC6FE-AC4F-4C99-AF28-2985270D3379.png Is the Mock Turtle going to be right?

Mr. Putin, speaker with two faces?

Mr. Netenyahu, regretful of civilian deaths?


Who will take responsibility for their actions?

Who will pretend to paint the roses red with the blood of the fallen?


Ann Coulter: Where Have I Been all this Time?

Truly, though. Where have I been? How could I have missed such an icon of right-wing no lo sé, values? Such a paragon of modestia virtue, and, why, just as sweet as a good old slice of American pie de apple.

She clerked for a Fulbright scholar who studied in London. She worked for Senator Spencer Abraham, the only Arab American in Congress. She has been compared to Clare Boothe Luce, one of her self-proclaimed idols, in terms of her satirical style. Only, from what I read of Clare Boothe Luce, she said what she did with class and wit, however scathingly. She was also the Ambassador to Italy. Italy! By all means, they…they play soccer in Italy! Of course, another major difference between the two is that Clare Boothe Luce actually travelled–left the country–to see the places she was writing about.

Clare Boothe Luce, from Wikipedia

Another branch of Luce’s literary career was that of war journalism. Europe in the Spring was the result of a four-month tour of Britain, Belgium, Holland, Italy, and France in 1939–1940 as a correspondent for Life magazine. She described the widening battleground of World War II as “a world where men have decided to die together because they are unable to find a way to live together.”[19] In 1941, Luce and her husband toured China and reported on the status of the country and its war with Japan. Her profile of General Douglas Macarthur was on the cover of “Life” on December 8, 1941, the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. After the United States entered the war, Luce toured military installations in Africa, India, China, and Burma, compiling a further series of reports for Life. She published interviews with General Harold Alexander, commander of British troops in the Middle East, Chiang Kai-ShekJawaharlal Nehru, and General Stilwell, commander of American troops in the China-Burma-India theater.[19] Her lifelong instinct for being in the right place at the right time, and easy access to key commanders made Clare Boothe Luce an influential figure on both sides of the Atlantic. She endured bombing raids and other dangers in Europe and the Far East. She did not hesitate to criticize the unwarlike lifestyle of General Sir Claude Auchinleck‘s Middle East Command in language that recalled the barbs of her best playwriting. One draft article for Life, noting that the general lived far from the Egyptian front in a houseboat, and mocking RAF pilots as “flying fairies”, was discovered by British Customs when she passed through Trinidad in April, 1942. It caused such Allied consternation that she briefly faced house arrest.[20] Coincidentally or not, Auchinleck was fired a few months later by Winston Churchill. Her varied experiences in all the major war theaters qualified her for a seat the following year on the House Military Affairs Committee.

Her voting record was generally more moderate than was expected by her GOP backers. To help the nation meet its rising war costs, she advocated “taxing the rich almost to the point of constitutional confiscation.”[24] She called for repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, comparing its “doctrine of race theology” to Adolf Hitler’s,[25] advocated aid for war victims abroad, and sided with the administration on issues such as infant-care and maternity appropriations for the wives of enlisted men. Nevertheless, President Roosevelt took a dislike to Representative Luce, and campaigned in 1944 to prevent her reelection, publicly calling her “a sharp-tongued glamor girl of forty.” [26] She gave as good as she got, accusing Roosevelt of being “the only American president who ever lied us into a war because he did not have the political courage to lead us into it.”[27]

During her second term, Luce was instrumental in the creation of the Atomic Energy Commission[28] and, during the course of two tours of Allied battlefronts in Europe, a campaigner for more support of what she considered to be America’s forgotten army in Italy. She was present at the liberation of several Nazi concentration camps in April, 1945, and after V-E Day began warning against the rise of international Communism as another form of totalitarianism, likely to lead to World War III.[21] In 1946, she was the co-author of the Luce-Celler Act of 1946, which increased the numbers of Indians and Filipinos permitted to immigrate to the US (previously limited to only 100 per year), and allowed them ultimately to become naturalized citizens.”

And this is the woman Ann Coulter idolizes? Why not act a little more like her? Jeesh, this is a woman I would possibly like. She had hutzpah.

What does Ann Coulter do? She’s unapologetic. She likes to “stir up the pot.” She  does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” and in the process ends up sounding like an imbalanced, intolerant, bigot with a heart five sizes too small. Or she may be cold-blooded like a reptilian species. She is the brash voice of part of what is wrong with this country, where “unapologetic” is a good thing, “no” really means “yes,” and “shoot first ask questions later,” is the new motto. All that matters is that this soccer fetish doesn’t catch on in the United States of America. Which makes me wonder, what does consist of a fetish in her book? It’s not like I’m going to read any of them. I think perhaps, as a service to her right-wing proclivities, she perhaps needs a good tea-bagging.

Now, Clare Boothe Luce I would be more interested in having tea with. Even if she was a Republican, she had a heart.

Wisteria Garden in Japan from inthralld.com

Wisteria Garden in Japan
from inthralld.com

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

–Oscar Wilde