Tag Archives: vampire monkey


Happy Halloween

Halloween Wallpaper Background 021

I stumbled upon, as one tends to do on the internet. Pugs in costumes. Pugs seem to be one of those dogs that you either really like or really don’t like. I really like them. When you look them up in dog books, where they have what they were originally bred for, it generally says something like, “Companionship.” All they were ever meant to to, then, la raison d’ĂȘtre, is to make people happy (so think about that, all the non-pug people. How many other, non-paid, creatures are here on this earth with the sole intention to make you feel better?). They are exceptionally silly dogs. And their owners do the most…interesting things to them at Halloween. Evidence:

There are usually pugs dressed as other animals: This little guy was just too cute.

There are usually pugs dressed as other animals: This little guy was just too cute.

Costume Pug in Goggles (Puggles?)

Costume Pug in Goggles

Very Clever Baked Potato Costume

Very Clever Baked Potato Costume

Pug Royalty Group Shots

Pug Royalty
Group Shots

Pugs as.... Dinosaurs?

Pugs as….

Make way for Stegasaurus

Make way for Stegasaurus

Pug in Armor This is a new one on me. It's cool, though.

Pug in Armor
This is a new one on me.
It’s cool, though.

Bee-cause there is always one, and they do made good bumblebees.

Bee-cause there is always one, and they do made good bumblebees.

And for the last one, which I haven’t been quite able to figure out, although I’m sure it must be obvious to some people out there…

Get thee to a shrubbery?

Get thee to a shrubbery?

Just a note: anyone swayed to an immediate obsession with wanting a pug, there are Pug Rescues in every state, just about. Here’s the link to National Pug Rescue


And for anyone else interested in other breeds, there is probably a rescue for those as well. Of course there is! It’s the bigger site the pug rescue site comes from:


Everyone have a wonderful and happy Halloween, don’t sign any contracts with anyone or anything in a dark alley, and especially don’t sell your soul, no matter what is promised in return. The interest rate is never good, and the payback is hell. Sure, you can try the old soul/sole trick, but it’s been done, and it never ends well. But it never ends well either way, so…

Or, you could stay home, watch scary movies on tv, eat candy corn, and stay relatively safe. Just don’t answer the phone. How many movies do end up with the scary monster being in the house? LOL, nevermind. It’s okay, this little guy will protect you:

Vampire Monkey

Vampire Monkey

Addendum 11/1/2013: I did purposefully leave out the Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball pug costume, which, while I give it points for creativity, I didn’t feel quite fit in with the spirit (no pun intended) of the rest of the costumes.